
Highly motivated and versatile software developer with a strong background in mathematics and computer science, particularly interested in compiler and web design. Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Pure Mathematics with a minor in Computer Science at The City College of New York. Skilled in developing innovative software solutions, collaborating on research projects, and leading teams. Proficient in managing complex projects, improving code performance, and fostering community engagement. Strong leadership qualities with experience in organizing events and workshops. Profoundly interested in advancing knowledge in compiler design through research and practical applications.


The City College of New York

Expected 2027
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Pure Mathematics

Academy for Software Engineering

Graduated June 2022
Honored The Computer Science Master Engineer Award

Relevant Courses

Discrete Mathematical Structures, Probability and Statistics for Computer Science, Data Structures, Algorithms, Theory of Numbers, Intro to Theoritical Computer Science, Programming Language Paradigms, Numerical Issues in Scientific Computing, Combinatorics and Graph Theory, Compiler Construction, Computability, Elements of Linear Algebra, Methods of Numerical Analysis, Mathematical Optimization Techniques, and Formal Languages and Automata


Technical Skills

  • Languages:
    CSS3 CSS3
    TypeScript TypeScript
    Vue.js Vue.js
    React React
    Rust Rust
    C++ C++
    Dart Dart
    Haskell Haskell
    Python Python
  • Tooling:
    Git Git
    Node.js Node.js
    Deno Deno
    Postman Postman
    Vite Vite
    Webpack Webpack
    Nuxt Nuxt
    Next.js Next.js
    Astro Astro
    Tauri Tauri
    Flutter Flutter
  • Infrastructure:
    NixOS NixOS
    Cloudflare Cloudflare
    Amazon Web Services Amazon Web Services
    Docker Docker
    Supabase Supabase
    Firebase Firebase

Leadership Qualities

  • Skilled in leading teams, fostering collaboration, and driving projects towards a successful goal.
  • Experienced in organizing and hosting events such as hackathons, meetings, and technical workshops.


The Recurse Center

From June 2022 to August 2022
The Recurse Center is a highly selective, self-directed, educational retreat for programmers.
JavaScript JavaScript
TypeScript TypeScript
Rust Rust
Haskell Haskell
Ruby Ruby
Python Python
Git Git
  • Focused on improving my technical and speaking skills while supporting a community of developers.
  • Hosted topics such as end-to-end testing for web applications to teach to industry professionals.
  • Competitively innovated new domain-specific languages, and procedural compile-time code generation.

Woven by Toyota

woven.toyotaSoftware Engineering Intern
From January 2022 to March 2022
Woven by Toyota is an innovative company that builds a platform for mobility and location intelligence.
JavaScript JavaScript
Vue.js Vue.js
Python Python
Mapbox Mapbox
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL
Git Git
AWS Lambda AWS Lambda
  • Presented solutions to issues within existing website wireframe diagrams and user interface designs.
  • Developed a responsive analytics dashboard with interactive maps, corresponding video feeds, and error logs, that identifies real-world changes and events for autonomous vehicles on the road.
  • Engineered new back-end services to process and manage data for other services and products.



penn-repl.github.ioUndergraduate Student Researcher
From May 2024 to August 2024
Penn REPL is a research experience in programming languages for undergraduate students pursuing a PhD.
Haskell Haskell
OCaml OCaml
TypeScript TypeScript
Vue.js Vue.js
Rust Rust
C++ C++
Python Python
Git Git
  • Conducted very in-depth research on advanced topics in practical and theoretical computer science with experts in the field, focusing on innovative type systems and various kinds of lambda calculi.
  • Collaborated with leading researchers to develop new novel methods for property-based testing.
  • Created interactive presentations to teach concepts to undergraduates, graduates, and professors.


View More
From August 2024 to Present
Beavers Code is a student-led computer science club, at the City College of New York, with leaders from ACM and GDGC.
React React
TypeScript TypeScript
Next.js Next.js
Tailwind CSS Tailwind CSS
Supabase Supabase
Git Git
  • Founding member of Beavers Code, the new ACM chapter at CCNY, leading technical development efforts.
  • Created entire website with a fully integrated admin dashboard used to create and update club events.
  • Developed an original workshop creation platform with live coding and individual user website hoster.

From May 2024 to August 2024
Synquid is a program synthesizer that uses refinement types to generate functional programs.
Rust Rust
Haskell Haskell
Git Git

From March 2024 to Present
Ezno is a fast and correct TypeScript type checker and compiler with additional experiments.
Rust Rust
TypeScript TypeScript
Git Git
  • Resolved issues with property checking and subtype comparisons for class and object assignments.
  • Introduced initial support for regular expressions, focusing on constant string pattern evaulations.
  • Extended functionality of the language server to support use and development on multiple platforms.

Spot Pet Market

spotpetmarket.comFounding Developer
From June 2023 to Present
Spot Pet Market is a marketplace for pets, where users can buy and sell multiple kinds and breeds of pets.
TypeScript TypeScript
Sass Sass
Vue.js Vue.js
Nuxt Nuxt
Tailwind CSS Tailwind CSS
Supabase Supabase
Stripe Stripe
Git Git
  • Processed and localized information about multiple kinds and breeds of pets into a common database.

From June 2023 to Present
[M]nemo is a note-taking application that helps users format and remember information effectively.
Sass Sass
TypeScript TypeScript
Vue.js Vue.js
Rust Rust
Typst Typst
CodeMirror CodeMirror
Nuxt Nuxt
Tauri Tauri
Git Git
Cloudflare Cloudflare
  • Implemented a custom rich text editor, using the Typst ecosystem for writing and styling notes.
  • Used mnemonic memory techniques to help users remember information and improve overall learning.
  • Created a builtin calendar and tasks system, deeply integrated with UI for faster reminder creation.
  • Developed cloud-based synchronization system, allowing access to notes across multiple devices.

From April 2023 to May 2023
avast is an error reporing library that specializes in easy to read and write error construction.
Rust Rust
Git Git

From February 2023 to April 2023
re-set is a regular expression (regex) set compiler that precontructs and validates regexes at at compile-time.
Rust Rust
Git Git

From April 2022 to January 2024
Pyret is an educational programming language originally developed at Brown University.
Rust Rust
WebAssembly WebAssembly
TypeScript TypeScript
Git Git
  • Ported the language to Rust, improving the overall performance and extensibility of the language.
  • Created a non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA) for regular expressions, taking advantage of compile-time pattern expansion to improve performance of matching string data at runtime.
  • Invented a new lexer and parser abstraction using the NFA, allowing for a more modular design.

Kaetram 1.x Developer
From November 2019 to January 2024
Kaetram was an open-source MMORPG game built with modern web standards and cutting-edge technologies.
Sass Sass
JavaScript JavaScript
TypeScript TypeScript
Node.js Node.js
Vite Vite
Astro Astro
MongoDB MongoDB
Cypress Cypress
Git Git
  • Maintained the project as a core developer, working on the game engine and it's multiple clients.
  • Managed a community of more than 1,000 users worldwide, and organized global development efforts.
  • Predominantly led the long-term development and maintenance of core game engine components, primarily through testing, linting, and documentation, improving game performance and stability.

MyBook Developer
From November 2023 to November 2023
MyBook was a website to automatically convert textbooks into study material, like flash cards, using AI.
React React
Vite Vite
Firebase Firebase

From January 2018 to May 2022
My AFSE was an application that helped students better navigate at the Academy for Software Engineering.
Dart Dart
TypeScript TypeScript
Vue.js Vue.js
Kotlin Kotlin
Swift Swift
Flutter Flutter
Nuxt Nuxt
Deno Deno
Firebase Firebase
Git Git
  • Provided students with a holistic view of their academic standing and visual areas for improvement.
  • Developed a web and mobile application that integrated grading systems, attendance tracking, class schedules, news, and events, improving student organization when better options were not available.
  • Adapted to remote learning by moving the community online and automating reminders for classes.

From May 2021 to Oct 2021
Switchcord was a desktop application that allowed Discord Rich Presence for Nintendo Switch games.
Vue.js Vue.js
Vuetify Vuetify
Material Design Material Design
Material Design Icons Material Design Icons
Nuxt Nuxt
Electron Electron
Discord Discord

From June 2021 to June 2020
discordo was a collection of BetterDiscord plugins, most notably, the DeveloperOptions plugin.
TypeScript TypeScript
Discord Discord
BetterDiscord BetterDiscord

From May 2020 to September 2020
due was one of the first frameworks for Vue.js 3 built using Deno 1.
TypeScript TypeScript
Vue.js Vue.js
Deno Deno
Skypack Skypack

From February 2020 to February 2020
Iridis was a Discord bot that used artificial intelligence; "Siri's long lost Brother".
JavaScript JavaScript
Discord Discord


Beavers Code (ACM @ CCNY)

From August 2024 to Present
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is an organization promoting computer science research.
React React
TypeScript TypeScript
Next.js Next.js
Tailwind CSS Tailwind CSS
Supabase Supabase
Git Git
  • Founding member of Beavers Code, the new ACM chapter at CCNY, leading technical development efforts.
  • Created entire website with a fully integrated admin dashboard used to create and update club events.
  • Developed an original workshop creation platform with live coding and individual user website hoster.